Vaš e-poštni naslov, ime in priimek obdelujemo za namen prejemanja novičk, vezanih na Mednarodno strokovno konferenco Trendi in izzivi. / We process your e-mail address, name and surname for the purpose of receiving news related to the International Professional Conference Trends and Challenges.
Mednarodno strokovno konferenco Trendi in izzivi v živilstvu, prehrani, gostinstvu, turizmu, izobraževanju in usposabljanju organizira Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana (Ižanska cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana), v nadaljevanju: upravljavec osebnih podatkov. Ime, priimek in e-poštni naslov upravljalec obdeluje za namen prejemanja novičk, vezanih na Mednarodno strokovno konferenco Trendi in izzivi. Vaše podatke hranimo do preklica. Podano privolitev lahko kadarkoli prekličete. To storite tako, da pošljete e-sporočilo na e-naslov ali kliknete na povezavo "Odjavi se od e-novic". Od upravljavca lahko s poslanim e-naslovom na zahtevate informacije, katere osebne podatke o vas obdelujemo, oziroma popravek netočnih osebnih podatkov. Za več informacij se lahko obrnete na pooblaščeno osebo za varstvo osebnih podatkov na BIC Ljubljana:
The International Professional Conference Trends and Challenges in Food, Nutrition, Hospitality, Tourism, Education and Training is organized by the Biotechnical Education Centre Ljubljana (Ižanska cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana), hereinafter: the personal data controller. The name, surname and e-mail address are processed by the personal data controller for the purpose of receiving news related to the International Professional Conference Trends and Challenges. We keep your data until revoked. You can revoke your consent at any time. To do this, send an e-mail to or click on the "Unsubscribe from e-news" link. By sending an e-mail address to, you can also request information from the personal data controller as to which personal data we process about you, or the rectification of inaccurate personal data. For more information, you can contact the authorized person for personal data protection at BIC Ljubljana: